The People vs Looper

Ya know how we always say we really want a movie that would spark controversy and strife between us, the drama Mamas? No? Well, we got it anyway.
Looper is a well-recieved film starring the charming Joseph Gordon Levitt and the incomparable Bruce Willis. And it sucks. So say we all.
Fiction is fiction. But time travel has rules. but fiction is fiction, but without rules, THERE IS CHAOS!! And round and round we go.
Which side do you fall on? LET US KNOW!!!
Reach us here,, or @dramamamaspod on Twitter. Share and rate us here, iTunes, Google Play, your own personal blog. We’re not picky, we just want to get the word out.
WE’VE EXPANDED OUR EMPIRE!!! You can now find us on Sound Cloud, Spreaker, and Stitcher! Watch out, world!
And if you're thinking of debating a time travel film with your best friend because narratives need to have structure, and it doesn't make any god damn sense: Don't. Don't. Save that Drama for us, The Drama Mamas.   
