The People vs Timeline

Caution! Spoilers await you on this quest!

Adventure! Romance! Intrigue! Time Travel! Gerard Butler brings all these things! And, like, all the other people in this movie. And there are other people in the move. We think. Somewhere.

A misunderstood machine that has definitely killed people, but is definitely not a death trap, is the portal to a picturesque yesteryear that straight murders all but our core cast. Dummy Dumb-Dumb's dad gets thrown back and errbody has to go save his ass. Except Paul Walker, aka Dummy Dumb-Dumb. He has literally no business going, but whatever.

Gerard Butler has a romantic "sub" plot, he has sword fights, while other people do other, less sexy things.

It's a good time! You didn't think so? You're wrong! Contact us for a detailed list of reasons why!
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WE’VE EXPANDED OUR EMPIRE!!! You can now find us on Sound Cloud, Spreaker, and Stitcher! Watch out, world!

And if you're thinking of climbing into the trunk of your bestie's beat up sedan for a free trip to WDW because she is abandoning you to take her "family" and a "vacation" and you aren't technically "invited:" Don't. Save that Drama for us, The Drama Mamas.
